Is It Easy to Write an Essay While High

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Writing Essay while high

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by swanseatoker, Apr 25, 2013.

  1. swanseatoker

    swanseatoker still blazing

    I think I will attempt it tonight. I'll defiantly edit it when I'm sober though. Has anyone done a paper high before? Is it better/worse?
  2. h8machine

    h8machine Spiritual stoned.

    Every time I write while high it's like 10x better, I say go for it
  3. shit strain

    shit strain Registered User

    weed will help get the writing mojo flowing. if your having a hard time starting, it can really help, ive found!
  4. Ralkyon

    I usually type my papers high. I find that my ideas seem to flow better when I'm high although I'm not nearly as eloquent and so the sober revision is always necessary.
  5. tem4jafa

    my best papers in the least time ive been high and yea sometimes just go back with a thesaurus and puff up the vocab

    "This is one of the best papers ive ever received you definetly worked very hard A"

    (blazed af and finished it 10 mins before class)

  6. lightweight4lyf

    Just be careful to not get off topic. Its easy to slip off on tangents while your thoughts are racing from weed.
  7. Iluvatar

    Yeah for sure. Thats part of what makes writing/weed so great tho, you can(and should) always go back and edit
  8. Nugagerube

    Nugagerube Well-Known Member

    Weed isn't good to do before a lot of school work, but essays are one of the things being high can make better.
  9. Jay Rock

    Depends on the topic of the essay, i once went to school high and had to write an essay and i had this really hard topic and couldnt really think what to say about it, but you get to choose the topic im sure you could come up with some great stuff
  10. JamesLee52

    JamesLee52 The Unbannable

    I think I write better, but that's probably because I don't give a fuck as much. Definitely edit while sober. I make so many mistakes while high haha.
  11. That my friend is called the hyper-priming effect, it's when your thoughts flow clearly without having any mental blockage passing the message from neuron cell to another.
  12. DerpdyDerp

    DerpdyDerp Registered User

    Weed doesn't make you a good (or better) writer. You have to have an inkling of talent to begin with. However, INHO, weed allows me to chase an idea ... from conception to conclusion.

    Of course, the idea might not make any sense to anyone but myself, but writing it down or drawing it can be a genuinely enlightening experience. (Sorry, haven't smoke yet, so this is rambling).

    I'm a published writer/author.  I think some of my best term papers were written while high, but that was because I had ADHD and weed helped me concentrate in college.

    If you are writing for yourself, have fun with it.  If you are turning it in for a grade, have someone "neutral" read it.  Then, read it while you are sober.  Does it still make sense? Can you explain the thought(s) you had when you wrote it? If so, PARTY ON!!

  13. Impendingdawn

    Impendingdawn Registered User

    Like a lot of people have said, it is great to get the ideas going and get a rough draft but sober editing is absolutely necessary

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  14. ISnuff

    My best ideas when writing come stoned.  As you mentioned, just proofread for grammar mistakes after sobering up.
  15. Oathkeeper

    Oathkeeper The Simple Life...

    Some of my best english papers were while I was flying nine kinds of high. As the previous poster said, just type and leave the proofreading for when you're sober.

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