Vision Spinner 2 Flashes Blue Blue Blue Red Why

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  1. Hi, got a brand new vision spinner 2 and I am trying to charge it. Although the charger indicator lights red, the battery keeps flashing white and blue. Is this normal?
  2. I think that means its charging. It might be telling you that its between 30-60% charged. AlsoThe flashing might stop once it has reached full charge. It could just be a quick display telling you how charged it is
  3. Katmar

    Katmar Vaping Master ECF Veteran

    Or, it could possibly be a lousy battery. You'll have to see when you use it. Most vendors with replace without question. Good luck.
  4. I think, only think, they are on a red, white and blue light system. If it's flashing red, it is really low, as it charges, it will change to white, and finally blue. It may turn off once completely charged! I have one that does this also. Just indicates the status of the battery. No worries....hope this helps!! :2c:
  5. Spooky28

    Spooky28 Super Member Verified Member ECF Veteran

    I thought it was orange, blue and white (white being fully charged). I have to fiddle a lot to get mine to white if it ever goes white but I've had mine do the same thing and I'm pretty sure mine is a bum battery (and a fake at that).
  6. GinnyTx

    GinnyTx Ultra Member Verified Member ECF Veteran

    I've had two (no make that 3 if you count one of Ed's) Vision spinners go bad after the first charge lately.

    check out the marks of a genuine Vision Spinner (two of mine were fakes, and the whole eBay rating system is a farce, one I just left bad feedback and he credited my paypal so that got rid of the bad "fake crap" feedback, so I just wonder how many do that now? argh!

    I've got one 1600mah green one that's received a first charge successfully it doesn't blink though while charging.(it does at first but then that's it)

  7. I have a genuine Vision Spinner 2 and it does not flash the entire time it is charging. It only flashes briefly when connecting to the charger. Just out of curiosity, what color is your voltage adjustment knob? Is is chrome or more of a pewter color? There are a lot of fake Spinner 2's out there.
  8. I have two spinner II authentic that the light indicator changes as it charges. It goes from orange to blue to white as the battery charges. My clone that I bought from a store on eBay does whatever it wants. The eBay money back guarantee worked with it. My money was refunded and they didn't' want the POS back. I've found two suppliers on eBay that do sell the authentic. Ask them if it is authentic and does it come with the scratch off and you'll be fine.
  9. i had one and im i think mine was blue and had a flicker of green. could be wrong though
  10. The Spinner 2's that I have seen from the store I work in didn't blink but they would change colors as they gained charge. If yours is authentic (look for the scratch off sticker) then it should behave that way. Like most everyone else, if it acts weird, contact the people you bought it from quickly (different vendors have different policies) and most of the time they will do something to help you. Hopefully, one more person basically repeating everyone else confirms your suspicions.
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