How to Write a Cover Letter for a Pestle

Top 50 Pestle Analysis Templates to Identify and Embrace Change

Change is an inevitable part of our lives. It is an adjustment that requires a lot of effort to get accustomed to.

But change is everywhere, especially in this era. Nobody can avoid change, especially when it comes to business. From our personal lives to professional, everything demands change from time to time. Sticking with one single thing is not an option. So, change is an inescapable reality that should be embraced by all, especially businessmen. Change in the business environment, just like any other change we experience, can either bring positive returns like creating opportunities or can cause significant threats affecting the smooth functioning of the organization. It all depends on the way we tackle it. One such tool that can help you analyze the various changes in business is PESTLE ANALYSIS!

Pestle Analysis is the simplest and the most effective tool to help you scrutinize the political, technological, socio-cultural as well as economic changes in a corporate setting. Using this tool will help you understand the bigger picture of your business, regarding the elements of change that are affecting your business operations.

Have a look at these 50 pestle analysis templates to embrace change beautifully!

Pestle Analysis Template #1

PEST PowerPoint template is a presentation design that you can use to present PESTEL analysis in PowerPoint. It stands for Political, Economic, Social and Technological analysis that describes the framework of macro-environmental factors. These factors are used for environmental scanning in strategic management.

This template looks very attractive and colorful as we have used different colors to denote environmental factors. Blue color shows political factors, yellow denotes economic factors and so on and so forth. What's great about this template is that you can use different icons to show different factors and just add a short description below it to customize any which way.

Cross Arrows Pest Analysis

Download Cross Arrows Pest Analysis

Pestle Analysis Template #2

There are systemic factors that are way beyond anybody's control and it is important for a business to chart out strategies keeping the results in view. It is also important to keep gaining revenue no matter what the situation is.

This template is an ideal set for showing PEST analysis professionally. It is also very eye-catching as each category is denoted with a different color scheme. Using this template you can generate an analysis with all major factors included. It also allows creating both standalone PEST diagrams and individual factors to elaborate each aspect- Political, Economical, Social and Technological factors.

Circular Pest Analysis

Download Circular Pest Analysis

Pestle Analysis Template #3

The banking industry is highly fragmented and affects all countries. But it is subservient to various factors particularly: government and economy.

This PESTLE analysis template highlights all the key factors affecting the banking industry. It combines all the factors in one table and shows how the banking sector is doing. Here is a comprehensive list of all the factors that affect the banking industry:

Political - The banking sector is largely governed by the Government and its laws. The government can intervene in banking matters, whenever necessary, leaving the industry susceptible to a lot of political factors like corruption amongst political parties, specific legislative regulations such as trade restrictions, labor laws,  tariffs, among others.

Economic - The economy and banking sector are tied together. How the income flows no matter how the economy is doing affects how much capital the banking sector can assess. Additionally, when inflation strikes, there is a backlash in the banking sector. Similarly, the exchange rate is another factor affecting banks globally.

Sociocultural- Buying behavior, necessities, and other cultural influences affect banking options. Changing social trends affect people's preferences that in turn affect the growth of the banking sector.

Technological- Technology has added a lot of convenience to the banking sector by providing online mobile apps to witness transfer funds, account handling, pay bills and other services. However, amidst these advantages, the problem of security and privacy has risen; so the banks have to spend a lot of money to keep these in check.

Legal- The banking industry is governed by several federal laws and follows strict rules regarding privacy, trade structures, and consumer laws. Legal risks are quite high in this industry.

Environmental- Technological advancements such as mobile apps have reduced the amount of paper used. It has also minimized individual environmental footprints as consumers can now apply for credit cards, buy checks and look at banking FAQs online.

Banking Environment Pestel Analysis PPT PowerPoint Presentation File Professional
Download Banking Environment Pestel Analysis PPT PowerPoint Presentation File Professional

Pestle Analysis Template #4

Pestle analysis provides a vast study of both internal and external factors that pose a challenge to the marketing strategy of an organization. It works as a contingency plan, which an organization can implement to successfully implement its strategies while entering a new market. A pestle analysis can help an organization to assess the market conditions and accordingly plan and strategize to achieve their marketing goals.

This template presents a thorough understanding of the state of the market by the way of PESTLE analysis:

Political- The political environment is related to the government laws in the country where the firm is established. Favorable and unfavorable conditions affect political matters and thereby healthy marketing campaigns of business. Apart from this, there are some legal considerations as well, including taxes, labor laws and most importantly social obligations that define the success of a marketing campaign.

Economic - Unemployment rates and inflation are two of the primary factors that affect marketing as firms are not able to promote their products efficiently in the marketplace if the economic conditions are not in their favor. Also, other similar factors like exchange rate and rate of interest directly impact a company's marketing efforts.

Sociocultural- Changes in the trends of population, cultural trends, domestic markets and demographics all affect the marketing strategy. They decide how a firm develops and presents its products in the market.

Technology - Businesses have to keep pace with emerging technology to satisfy their customer base as most of them are tech-savvy.

Legal - Legal policies and rules regarding marketing are some of the barriers that largely affect how an organization markets its products. Labor laws are also very important to keep a note of to market the products successfully.

Environment- Environment factors are important to consider like waste management as it affects the goodwill and reputation of the firm in the marketplace thereby influencing its marketing efforts.

Pestle Analysis Model For Market Entry
Download Pestle Analysis Model For Market Entry

Pestle Analysis Template #5

Just like marketing, Pestle analysis can help a business to develop competitive strategies to grow and flourish by analyzing individual factors: political, economic, sociocultural, technological, legal and environmental.

This template helps you analyze the bigger picture that might affect the success and failure of your business. It can be used as a tool for situational analysis for the purpose of business evaluation that is highly dynamic in nature. Moreover, it forms the basis of the identification of various opportunities and threats to a business.

Industry Analysis Pestel Analysis Economic PPT PowerPoint Presentation Model

Download Industry Analysis Pestel Analysis Economic PPT PowerPoint Presentation Model

Pestle Analysis Template #6

As we have discussed earlier, PEST analysis is a strategic tool to scan the business environment for threats and opportunities. The first involves identifying various factors of change. Analysis of each component is imperative before coming to the final conclusion.

This PEST analysis diagram can help you evolve your business by allowing positive changes. The threats determined with the help of this model can make a world of difference as you can avoid those projects that are not feasible to the working environment of the business. It develops a very objective point of view for the representatives and also helps in removing biases.

It is a single slide template showing four circles labeled and colored differently to denote different factors. For instance, political factors are shown in pink, economic factors in yellow and so on and so forth. Owing to its customizable properties, you can modify all the attributes of this template to make it fir for your organization. Additionally, this tool can be used in a business or on a personal level with complementary icons and imagery.

0814 Business Pest PowerPoint Presentation Slide Template

Download 0814 Business Pest PowerPoint Presentation Slide Template

Pestle Analysis Template #7

Pestle analysis helps to evaluate and identify Political, Economic, Sociocultural, Technological, Legal and Environmental business factors thus mitigating risks. It is a very useful tool in the context of risk management as it provides a straightforward framework that analysts can employ to identify potential risks and adversities. It forces business analysts to consider a variety of variables in a greater business environment thus identifying many of the factors that may have otherwise been ignored or skipped.

This template can help you conduct PEST analysis to make the right business decisions when it comes to risk management of a particular project. Analyzing whether a project is worth undertaking or not can determine the success and failure of your business which is what this template helps you with.

Pestle Analysis Example Decision Making Techniques Project Risk Management Cpb Download Pestle Analysis Example Decision Making Techniques Project Risk Management Cpb

Pestle Analysis Template #8

A Pestle analysis diagram is useful in the evaluation of dynamic and competitive business factors that directly and indirectly influence its performance. This model enables the organization to understand its market positioning, trends and many other aspects that are the primary reason for a business failing or not growing as per the expectations.

Whether you are looking to create a single template showing the PEST analysis diagram or your goal is to showcase standalone aspects, this template can help you in both and touch upon all the political, economical, socio-cultural, technological, legal and environmental factors of your analysis with their respective icons.

Pestel Analysis Showing Six Steps With Icons

Download Pestel Analysis Showing Six Steps With Icons

Pestle Analysis Template #9

This PEST analysis template can be widely used as a strategic planning tool as it helps in the identification of all the factors that may affect the project and its planning process. With this analysis, a business entrepreneur can identify various threats and opportunities related to a strategy and figure out ways to avoid them as well as use them for one's advantage. Identifying these factors beforehand can help the team members gain a comprehensive understanding of various external aspects affecting the strategic plan positively or negatively. With such vast knowledge, one can easily go for the strategies that help the company achieve its goals rather than those that do not.

PESTLE Technique For Strategy Analysis

Download PESTLE Technique For Strategy Analysis

Pestle Analysis Template #10

This PEST analysis template will help in giving a brief about your business and report findings. In political factors, you can identify the rules and regulations that should be followed by your team for selling your products legally. In economic factors present sales, revenue, expenses, inflation and other factors that affect the cash flow. Social factors can present your target customers and technological factors can showcase the daily technological equipment which your business relies on every day.

Pest trial with split pie chart and arrows pointing inwards diagram PowerPoint diagram templates graphics 712

Download pest trial with split pie chart and arrows pointing inwards diagram PowerPoint diagram templates graphics 712

Pestle Analysis Template #11

This PESTEL analysis template looks just like a flower in which each petal shows a different factor that affects a business and its operations. Instead of giving full terms like political, economics and others we have given the starting letter with different colors to help the user differentiate between the factors easily. For instance, the letter P shows political factors, E shows economical factors and so on and so forth. Each of the six factors is given in different colors to help the user identify each factor without any confusion.

Business environmental pestel analysis PowerPoint diagram templates graphics 712

Download business environmental pestel analysis PowerPoint diagram templates graphics 712

Pestle Analysis Template #12

This PEST analysis diagram is fit for marketing executives to easily identify and assess various external factors affecting business performance. Presented in the form of a flower, this template makes for an attractive tool for the organizations to gain an in-depth understanding of the business environment. With a white-colored background and different shades of pink, grey, and beige to showcase the factors, this template looks stunning. There are also customizations available for the user in accordance with the taste and preference.

Pestle Analysis Diverging Radial Diagram

Download Pestle Analysis Diverging Radial Diagram

Pestle Analysis Template #13

This color-coded slide is the best for conveying all the aspects of PESTLE analysis. Simply add suitable icons and a short description of the aspects in the template and you are done!

The hexagonal shape for each aspect gives it a very modern and edgy look rather than the traditional rectangular shapes.

Pestel Analysis Showing Political And Economy Hexagon Shaped 7

Download Pestel Analysis Showing Political And Economy Hexagon Shaped 7

Pestle Analysis Template #14

The pestle analysis diagram looks just like a flower but without those traditional rectangular shapes showing each factor. We provide enough space for you to present a description of each factor along with your company logo, motto or anything else that interests you. The factors are given in a somewhat round shape in triangles pointing towards the middle. This makes this template quite unique and different from the rest. Having a professional color scheme, this template can be used by retail industrialists and others looking for a professional PEST analysis diagram.

Pestel Analysis Showing Political Economic And Social 3

Download Pestel Analysis Showing Political Economic And Social 3

Pestle Analysis Template #15

This pestle analysis model can be used by healthcare industrialists and doctors to describe different factors including political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environment affecting the industry.

Four Staged Pest Analysis Flat PowerPoint Design

Download Four Staged Pest Analysis Flat PowerPoint Design

Pestle Analysis Template #16

Performing a market analysis efficiently is a crucial step for evaluating the profitability of a business venture. It also helps in determining how conducive and friendly environmental factors are for a business venture. A PEST analysis is an important model to measure these factors and decide the course of action leading to favorable results.

Pestel Analysis Showing Political Economic And Social 6

Download Pestel Analysis Showing Political Economic And Social 6

Pestle Analysis Template #17

This template allows a company to understand the basics required to conduct PEST analysis. It combines all the 6 major representative factors in one table, making it easy for analysts to evaluate the current market position.

Pestl As A Key Strategic Tool Good PPT Example

Download Pest As A Key Strategic Tool Good PPT Example

Pestle Analysis Template #18

This Pestle Analysis Template is very professional looking and unique to grab the immediate attention of the viewer.

Analysis Showing Technology And Law

Download Analysis Showing Technology And Law

Pestle Analysis Template #19

This template is a foolproof plan for the expansion of a business. Business owners can use this template to identify significant shifts in the political, sociocultural, economic, technological, environmental and legal landscape.

Market Trends Pestle Analysis PPT Model

Download Market Trends Pestle Analysis PPT Model

Pestle Analysis Template #20

Use this template as a measurement tool to identify as well as analyze all the key factors that are affecting your organization.

Industry Analysis Pestle Analysis PPT PowerPoint Presentation Professional

Download Industry Analysis Pestle Analysis PPT PowerPoint Presentation Professional

Pestle Analysis Template #21

Use this template as a measurement tool to assess the market situation for a particular product, service or business at a given time frame.

Pestle Analysis Model For Market Entry

Download Pestle Analysis Model For Market Entry

Pestle Analysis Template #22

Use this template to identify all the macro-factors affecting your organization at a given time frame to establish a strong footing for your product and service.

Industry Analysis Pestel Analysis Technological PPT PowerPoint Presentation Model

Download Industry Analysis Pestel Analysis Technological PPT PowerPoint Presentation Model

Pestle Analysis Template #23

This is a selection of an outstanding Pestle analysis design on business concepts comprising of political, economic,  sociocultural, technological, legal and environmental factors that affect the smooth functioning of an organization.

Pestel Analysis Showing Political Economic And Legislative Forces

Download Pestel Analysis Showing Political Economic And Legislative Forces

Pestle Analysis Template #24

This template consists of a very creative bulb design with colorful shapes and diagrams that can surely aid in a high level of information retention by the audiences.

Pestel Analysis Showing Political And Economic Growth 5

Download Pestel Analysis Showing Political And Economic Growth 5

Pestle Analysis Template #25

This pestle analysis diagram highlights the political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, environmental and legal landscape of the banking sector.

Banking Environment Pestel Analysis Compare PPT PowerPoint Presentation Deck

Download Banking Environment Pestel Analysis Compare PPT PowerPoint Presentation Deck

Pestle Analysis Template #26

Utilize this template to identify all the external macro factors that are affecting your firm and its operations. With its colorful approach, this template is fit to grab the immediate attention of the viewers.

Pest Concept PowerPoint Slides Presentation Diagrams Templates

Download Pest Concept PowerPoint Slides Presentation Diagrams Templates

Pestle Analysis Template #27

Utilize this framework to examine various opportunities and threats due to all the politics, economics, society, technology, environment and legal forces. Outputs from this analysis can help you plan your processes strategically as well as conduct effective market research.

Pestel Analysis PPT PowerPoint Presentation Gallery Example File

Download Pestel Analysis PPT PowerPoint Presentation Gallery Example File

Pestle Analysis Template #28

This PESTLE diagram can help you assess the nature of the industry for your organization to either enter or currently exist in by judging all the major factors that govern it.

Pestel Analysis Showing Technology Environment And Law

Download Pestel Analysis Showing Technology Environment And Law

Pestle Analysis Template #29

Employ this framework to understand and identify all the macro-environmental factors that impact the overall functioning of the organization.

Industry Analysis Pestel Analysis PPT PowerPoint Presentation File Model

Download Industry Analysis Pestel Analysis PPT PowerPoint Presentation File Model

Pestle Analysis Template #30

Assess the external environmental factors which include political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, environmental and legal landscape that affect the industry in which your organization is willing to enter in or currently exists in.

Pest study analysis with circular arrow in middle circling around PowerPoint diagram templates graphics 712

Download pest study analysis with circular arrow in middle circling around PowerPoint diagram templates graphics 712

Pestle Analysis Template #31

This template can be utilized by marketers and business analysts to identify all the key trends that influence the organization's surrounding environment. The idea is to gauge those factors that have the most potential to impact the department or the organization.

Pest Trial Diagram PowerPoint Slides Presentation Diagrams Templates

Download Pest Trial Diagram PowerPoint Slides Presentation Diagrams Templates

Pestle Analysis Template #32

This template can be used by organizations to identify all the six categories of factors: political, economic, sociocultural, technological and legal that influence an industry.

pest concept with circle in middle and arrows on side PowerPoint diagram templates graphics 712

Download pest concept with circle in middle and arrows on side PowerPoint diagram templates graphics 712

Pestle Analysis Template #33

This template showcases the four basic factors of Pest analysis which includes political, economical, socio-cultural and technological. The square layout gives this template an aesthetic appeal that aids in a high level of information retention in the audience's minds.

Square With Pest Project And Icons Flat PowerPoint Design

Download Square With Pest Project And Icons Flat Powerpoint Design

Pestle Analysis Template #34

Use this template as a strategic tool to identify various macro-environmental factors that have an effect on your project and its planning phase. Identify the potential threats and opportunities associated with your strategy and figure out ways to use them advantageously or put them to an end.

PEST Technique For Strategy Analysis

Download PEST Technique For Strategy Analysis

Pestle Analysis Template #35

This PEST analysis can help you create a foolproof plan to expand your business and its operations. Both new business entrepreneurs and veterans can employ this template to identify some of the major changes that affect the organization.

Pest Analysis Strategic Vision Product Positioning Planning Strategic Cpb

Download Pest Analysis Strategic Vision Product Positioning Planning Strategic Cpb

Pestle Analysis Template #36

This template helps gauge all the external key factors that have the potential to affect an organization and its functioning starting from political to legal.

Pest trial with split pie chart and arrows pointing inwards diagram PowerPoint diagram templates graphics 712

Download pest trial with split pie chart and arrows pointing inwards diagram powerpoint diagram templates graphics 712

Pestle Analysis Template #37

Identify, evaluate, monitor and regularise the key external factors that influence your organization with this colorful template. With a colorful approach with each color denoting a different factor this template makes it fit to be used by experienced professionals and veterans alike.

Business Factors Pestel Analysis PowerPoint Slides Presentation Diagrams Templates

Download Business Factors Pestel Analysis

Pestle Analysis Template #38

Examine the potential threats and opportunities of your organization and develop ways to either use them to one's advantage or mitigate them with this PESTLE analysis diagram.

Pestle Analysis Circular Test Chart PPT PowerPoint Slides

Download Pestel Analysis Test Chart

Pestle Analysis Template #39

This PESTLE analysis template is useful to identify the external environment that surrounds an organization while investigating the business change. This includes political, economical, socio-cultural, technological, legal and environmental landscape of the organization.

Pestel Analysis Showing Six Text Boxes

Download Pestel Analysis Showing Six Text Boxes

Pestle Analysis Template #40

Evaluate factors of change ranging from political to environmental using this template. Having a consistent color scheme this template can be used by anybody who likes minimal yet professional templates to identify the potential threats and opportunities for his organization.

External Environment Analysis By PESTEL

Download External Environment Analysis By PESTEL

Pestle Analysis Template #41

This template can help your team evaluate the organization's market as well as its positioning in a better way. It will also help you plan strategically and conduct market research proficiently in new as well as the existing markets.  With different color showing a different factor, this template is fit to attract the immediate attention of the viewer.

4 description of an Issue pest analysis PowerPoint diagram templates graphics 712

Download 4 description of an Issue pest analysis PowerPoint diagram templates graphics 712

Pestle Analysis Template #42

This template can be used by business owners to assess significant changes in the political, economical, socio-cultural, technological, legal and environmental landscape.

Pestel Analysis Six Steps Having Hexagon Shaped

Download Pestel Analysis Six Steps Having Hexagon Shaped

Pestle Analysis Template #43

Examine the political, economical, sociocultural, technological, legal and environmental forces affect the surroundings of your business environment using this template.

Pestel Analysis Showing Social And Technological Forces

Download Pestel Analysis Showing Social And Technological Forces

Pestle Analysis Template #44

Achieve optimum performance level by analyzing the external forces affecting your organization using this PESTLE analysis diagram. This template looks somewhat like a flower that increases the aesthetic appeal of this template. So download it to stand out of the crowd.

Pestel Analysis Having Six Text Boxes Circular Shaped

Download Pestel Analysis Having Six Text Boxes Circular Shaped

Pestle Analysis Template #45

Categorize those factors that affect the surrounding of your organization ranging from political to environmental. We have joined different factors with a dotted line to make this template look more attractive.

Pestel Analysis Showing Political Economic And Social 2

Download Pestel Analysis Showing Political Economic And Social 2

Pestle Analysis Template #46

This Pestle analysis template helps you evaluate the environment as a whole in which your business operates or is considering to offer its trade in. These factors are beyond the control of the business and so they are important to get a hold of to chart out effective strategies.

Pestel Analysis Showing Six Steps Having Circular Shaped

Download Pestel Analysis Showing Six Steps Having Circular Shaped

Pestle Analysis Template #47

Analyze the market situation that your organization is currently working on or wishes to enter. Identify the systematic business factors to peacefully coexist keeping the outcome of it in consideration.

Pestel Analysis Showing Economic Growth And Legal Forces

Download Pestel Analysis Showing Economic Growth And Legal Forces

Pestle Analysis Template #48

This template is fit for the banking industry to identify political, economical, sociocultural, technological, environmental and legal forces that affect its operations.

Banking Environment Pestel Analysis Social PPT PowerPoint Presentation Slides Clipart

Download Banking Environment Pestel Analysis Social PPT Powerpoint Presentation Slides Clipart

Pestle Analysis Template #49

This template can be used by marketers to assess the market trends in which the organization wants to enter or currently exists in.

Market Trends Environmental Analysis Pestle Analysis PPT Diagrams

Download Market Trends Environmental Analysis Pestle Analysis PPT Diagrams

Pestle Analysis Template #50

Examine the key external factors and the macro forces affecting your organization using this template. Monitor the political, economical, sociocultural, technological, environmental and legal forces that bring about a change in your business functioning.

Pestel Analysis Having Six Steps Text Boxes With Icons

Download Pestel Analysis Having Six Steps Text Boxes With Icons

We hope you like these templates. How did you find them let us know in the comments below.

How to Write a Cover Letter for a Pestle


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